Bambling On and On and On...

29 April, 2008

Setting a Good Example

Him: "What's that?"

Her: "Huh? Oh that." *slight pause* "Jelly."

Him: "Well, aren't you going to clean it up?"

Her: "That's Ollie's fault. It was on his piece of Wasa and I thought when he came back for seconds he'd lick that spot clean. Guess not."

Him: Stares incredulously at her.

Her: "What? Fine, I'll finish cleaning up his mess."

We are so going to be excellent parents.

22 April, 2008

That Strange Sensation...

Just got back from another prenatal appointment. In two weeks we check my cervix. WOO-HOO!!

Today I learned a few things. For one, I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions and had no idea. The other lesson I received was discovering what that uncomfortable feeling is between the top of my stomach and below my breasts:


No wonder why it pains me to even hunch over slightly. An extremely discomforting sensation that hinders my breathing. It's because my dear daughter has been redecorating her starter home. And to think she has 6 more weeks to rearrange and reorganize my organs. I do hope she takes pictures.

18 April, 2008

1 Down -- 2 More To Go

Today I took off from work to get a few things done.. like getting my car fixed. That always calls for a good time. But the one important errand --- that I've managed to procrastinate for about 3 months --- was to take the MySQL Associate (CMA) Certification.

If you read up on, or know anything about MySQL certifications, the Associate certificate is not has hardcore as the DBA or Developer certificates. It's an entry level certification, perfect in helping me to begin my preparation for the DBA I and II certs. Because my skills in procrastination are continually being fine-tuned, I needed this stepping stone as a kick in the butt to get a move on!

As for how I did... I got 46 out of 50 questions correct. Better than I had expected. Now I can feel good about relaxing for a bit before picking up the book and starting the next phase. YAY!!

T-minus 7 weeks...

Ok.. now I'm starting to really get uncomfortable. I've complained a lot during this pregnancy because I'm really not one for physical change that is outside of my realm of fitness. And now... well... my belly is expanding faster every day and baby-girl is HEAVY!!

In case you haven't seen a picture of me, most of my weight -- about 95% of it -- is in my belly. I use it to navigate me around the bed when I flip from side to side being that it practically does have a life of its own. Sitting provides its own challenges too. First, the actual position of sitting. I can't just sit with my legs together. No. My belly and thighs have a war going on so now I'm either sitting with my legs apart or 'Indian' style, with my back slightly bent forward so I can breath. Oh yeah, so apparently my lungs are beginning to collapse to make more room for baby-girl. As is my bladder. Having to urinate every 15-30 minutes is a joy and it's not like a "Hmmm.. funny that. I feel a need to go again." It's more of a "Holy s***! Gonna pop a squat. MOVE IT!" as I waddle as fast as I can down the hall.

And now spring is coming. I LOVE LOVE LOVE warm weather. Short sleeve shirts, cute skirts, tanning outside in my bikini. Trouble is I can't fit into my short sleeve shirts. They all seem to have shrunk. bah! And I can't sit out in my bikini because I'm told that's not so good for the baby (although I'm still outside, just moving around and keeping my belly covered). Right, so shirts. This is an issue being that it's getting warm and I'm sweating and so desperately want to feel the sun and stay cool.

Normally I'd order clothes from Old Navy, but discovered I need to try on their stuff first b/c the shirts never seem to be long enough!! The closest maternity Old Navy is about a 20 minute drive from my place and being I just had a hard day from work I needed something NOW.. so I decided to try Target (I'd go to the mall, but I seriously need to be in the mood to spend time in that place). Anyway, no luck at Target and I left somewhat dejected. I say somewhat because oddly enough I still fit into the Jr./Women's (non-maternity) 'small' skirts. That made me feel a bit better.

So it looks like I'm off to Old Navy on Saturday. Joy. Until then, I'll fuss and moan and try to keep mobile so the breeze will keep me cool. I know, I could just sit in an air conditioned building, but that won't work for me. I'm a spring/summer child... the sun's out and it calls my name and I listen. Hello sun!! I'm-a comin' *waddle* *waddle* *waddle*

13 April, 2008

That DOES NOT Tickle

I don't know what it is, but there have been several nights this past week (last night included) where Claire will not allow me to sleep on my side--right or left. As soon as I do, I get this obnoxious *BANG* *SLAM* *POW-POW-POW* beneath and directly into my rib cage. I know I'll wake up one morning and find a big black and blue on my left side (her preferred boxing area). That's the morning I'll be sure to take pictures of my pain only to show them to her when she's older and acting out -- evidence of the abuse I suffered when she was still playing house in my uterus.

So what do I do when I can't lay on my sides? I once again have to reprop all of my pillows so I can lie on my back. This is where I get to practice moving in slow motion so as not to wake up my man. After another 5 minutes of S.L.O.W. prep work, I'm down and then suddenly there's silence. Claire acts as if the previous 10 minutes had never occurred and she's all loving life because mamma is finally on her back!

Being a back sleeper, I normally don't mind sleeping this way, but sometimes my neck gets kinked from my snoogle and so I'd prefer to snuggle into my snoogle instead. Unfortunately, nights like last night then occur and I get maybe 3 hours of sleep. Now I don't care to hear that this is just preparation for the month or two where I'm nothing but a zombie milking machine... I'll deal with that when the time comes. For now, woman needs her sleep! And I will go about doing just that by spending an hour doing cardio at the gym. Oh what, are you worried about Claire? Don't be. If anything, we should be worried since I'm sure we'll have to modify her swing to go even faster so it feels like she's back in the womb again. The price for housing in a neurotic mamma with an absolute need to be on the go-go-GO!