Bambling On and On and On...

12 June, 2012

Florida Fun

Last week we were in sunny Florida. Except it wasn't sunny for 95% of our stay, but we still managed to have a good time. Explored Orlando's "cultural" center that included the Orlando Science Museum. A quick side note about their "cultural" center. I put culture in quotes because it is quite a small area and not well marked. As we were driving up I-4, there was one sign saying "Orlando's Cultural Center" and then suddenly we find ourselves passed the exit and at the next clearly defined exit. That's right. The exit for this area is practically non-existant and unless you are really paying attention you'll fly right by it. Guess they're not big on culture unless it's Disney.

Anyway, there were some fun times had by the little one. Let's see. Friday night was bath night, which went a little something like this:

Us: "Claire! It's bath time."
Claire: "Noooooo! NO NO NO NO!" and so forth. Once she entered the tub it was nothing but a series of blood curdling screams until the washing was over. These cries were so bad, she almost vomited.

Casey: "There. All done. Do you want to stay in and play or get out."
Claire: *pause* "Stay In."


On another day Claire was in the bedroom and we're in the living room (we were staying at a Residence Inn so the rooms were like mini-one bedroom apts). Hubby and I were hugging. Claire sees this, jumps up off of the bed and yells: "Stop hugging! Stop. It." Luckily hubby's arms were long enough to reach the door and close it on her. Then from the other side you can still hear her saying "Stop hugging guys!" She doesn't like it when we show affection towards one another, but if she's the center of attention it's ace!

My favorite part of the trip was Claire's desire to hold in her bowel movements. Oh yes. We haven't seen this happen since our Cape Cod trip last summer. Unfortunately, this is a family trait from my side so I can completely empathize. We were going on day 6 when we finally bought some fiber and other items to help trick her into going. The evening before we were returning home, mother nature was making it known that Claire would not win this battle. Since we were down by the pool, I asked if she wanted to use the potty down stairs or in the room. Desperate for some comfort she said room and we flew down the hall and up the stairs. While holding her potty seat (I think she thought it was going to fall into the potty because every time she used it we had to hold the seat into place) she kept saying "No. No. No. No." then proceeded to punch my arm, followed by walking her fingers up and down my arm. This took place for several minutes when finally mother nature won and Claire turned into a perfect angel.

Luckily her punches aren't hard enough to cause bruises.

All in all we had a good trip.


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