Bambling On and On and On...

09 January, 2008

Oh How Vulgar!

The other day we were cooking some chicken and an uncooked piece fell to the floor.

"Ollie! Come."

*scurry across carpet* *pitter-patter on tile*

"Look. Here. You want it? Go on. It's yours."

Ollie walks over to the raw piece of chicken on the floor. He gives it a thorough inspection, steps back and looks at us with the "You've GOT to be kidding. You expect me to eat this?" look.

Us, disbelieving the situation, urge him on. "Go on. Raw Chicken. YUM!!"

Ollie steps forward, takes a quick sniff of the meat, steps back, gives us a stare of disbelief (mixed with horror?) and leaves the kitchen.

Note: The chicken wasn't bad. He just wouldn't eat it. We attempted to feed him raw meat again on another occasion. This time it was ground beef. Same result. Our dog will only eat cooked meat. What are the odds in that?

06 January, 2008

Weighing in at 8 ounces....

Last Thursday I had my 2nd trimester ultrasound. Deemed "a squirmer", the munchkin is looking good all around. Unfortunately, the images don't look as good as the ones we were viewing in real time, but trust me. The lil' munchkin has all of its parts and was swimming laps during the entire exam.

We also happened to find out the sex. Sssssh... it's a secret.