Bambling On and On and On...

25 June, 2012

She's Great!

When Claire gets excited she'll flap her arms and do this yelling "Ahh! Ahhhh!" thing. Most kids do it, but with Claire it's a bit of a crutch. We've been working with her (at home and school) to help her verbalize what she's feeling and minimize the arm flap/bellow.

This morning we were in her room. I was putting her hair up in pony tails while she was playing with her musical instruments. Something clicked in her brain and she started to get very VERY excited. As she was doing her "I'm excited" dance, I managed to get her attention, acknowledged her excitement and then asked "Do you know why you're excited?". Her response: "Because I'M GREAT!!"

I admire her self-confidence and hope she keeps it up as the years go by.


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