Bambling On and On and On...

27 October, 2007

Milk Does NOT a Body Good

It's out to get me.

Two sips and i'm doubled over in pain.

Yes, I know it's lactose intolerance. Oddly enough I can eat cheese, yogurt and ice-cream. But give me milk and my life flashes before my eyes.

It's been 7 hours since I last had those two innocent sips of hot cocoa with a milk/water mix and I want to die.

I'm so put out.

23 October, 2007

Dude... Chill...

The other day we took Ollie to the dog park. Because the weather was cool there were more dogs there than normal AND they all had high amounts of energy. Particularly this one Wheaton terrier. She would just take off and sprint around the perimeter without any rhyme or reason.

At one point, Ollie and the Wheaton took to playing with each other. They began to wrestle and chase each other under the chairs that Casey and I were sitting in and during this playtime, we began to chat it up with the Wheaton's owner.

Several minutes pass and all 3 of the humans fall silent.

The dogs were no longer playing. I think Ollie had enough of the Wheaton's hyper attitude and set out to calm her.. BY SITTING ON TOP OF HER! It was hilarious. Here was the Wheaton (a mere 20 pounds) lying on her side as Ollie just plopped down on her ribcage (all 45 pounds of him). The Wheaton wasn't even put out by this. She just occupied herself by eating the grass and pawing at the dirt. All the while Ollie's expression said "There. That should keep her quiet for a bit. Man, what a handful. I'm pooped!"

After the Wheaton's owner took a picture (which we just didn't think of doing) it took about 6 "Ollie, up!" commands for him to finally catch on, and then he S.L.O.W.L.Y raised his body off of hers.

The Schnauzer knows how to keep order.