Bambling On and On and On...

28 May, 2007

Crazy Competitions

I decided to visit Fark since it's been a while, and the first link was about the annual Cheese Rolling competition in Gloucestershire England. This is hilarious. The event draws huge crowds every year where both men and women wait to get their turn to chase a 7-8lb wheel of cheese down a hill. You'd think "Simple". I know I did, until I learned that the weather isn't a typical May day of sun and hot temps. Last year they had a mixture of hail, rain and sun, but the competitors forged on in hopes of winning a wheel of cheese. CHEESE!! I love this.

After reading a few artcles, I began to remember reading about other competitions that are held in the UK. Here are some of my personal favourites:

Now I'm going to have to do some research to see if we have anything like that here in the U.S. I have a strong suspicion the answer is "No". And that would probably have something to do with safety, health insurance and the number of lawsuits that would come out of it. *sniff* So sad.

26 May, 2007


Fit TV has become my latest obsession in my overly-O.C.D world of exercise. And it all began with 'Total Body Sculpt with Gilad'. I had a super hard day, it was 10p and I needed to wind-down. I turned on Fit TV and there he was, with his entourage of equally chiseled assistants. He gave me the workout I needed to calm my over-anxious self.

The other day I tuned into 'All Star Workouts' where we belly-danced. I've always wanted to try it and what better way to discover how uncoordinated I really am than with belly dancing. I don't think I had felt so retarded since a dance workshop I took last year.

Apparently all of the running and strength I do has decreased my ability to undulate. It all seemed so much easier during my rave years. I managed to get my hips to move, that was the easy part. Coordinating the hip movement with a grape-vine, or while circulating around myself proved futile. The only coordination I managed to maintain was the ability to constantly breath as I attempted to follow along.

I can't wait to do it again!!

03 May, 2007

Maryland to Amsterdam

Decided to check out the route from my abode to Athens (our summer holiday!! yay!!), via Google Maps.

Line 18 is key. Very very key.

Columbia MD to Athens Greece

I just registered my support..

...for the impeachment of Pres. G. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney. Fun times.

Where has the time gone?

This weekend is my last weekend performing "Into the Woods". I'm sad because I enjoy the cast and the show crazy lots. I hope I get to perform with them all again in the future.. oh and go to Hershey Park. Hear that Ricky!! We are so on for Hershey's. Check your schedule.

But... and you knew there was a but... I am so overly ecstatic and thrilled to have my weekends back. Performing 4 shows a weekend takes a toll on ones physical, mental and spiritual health. I need my family. I need my friends. I need to commune with nature.

That doesn't mean I'm done performing. I have plans to audition for future shows. I'm just looking forward to a much needed break.

And too segue into another completely unrelated topic: my Charlie and the Chocolate Factory sunglasses came in. Not as cool as the tv-room glasses, but still very awesome.

*Update: husband just said I didn't give my reasons as to how or why I registered my support. hmph. I'll give them later. A little to tipsy... i mean tired (tipsey) to think.

**Update: Ok.. Ok.. I called Nancy Pelosi's office to register my support.