Month Three
We have also noticed that you love the printed word. After a feeding I'll read you a book. Perhaps "Oh the THINKS You Can Think" by Dr. Seuss. You entertain my need to read you this childhood classic, all the while flailing your arms and legs about to show your impatience because I'm lingering on a page for way too long. Oddly enough, when I show you a non-picture book, such as "Eat, Pray, Love" you just stare at it for minutes at a time. There is no leg thrashing, or eyes diverting to other objects around you. No, you are captivated by these tiny black and white patterns.
As for the never-ending quest 'tummy time,' some progress has been made. I've learned that you don't have any problems lifting your head. What it all boils down to is whether you feel like putting forth the effort of lifting your head. We are successful if you're placed down during your happy time and on the blanket your Mimay made you (because the back side is a pink gingham pattern with fairy bears dancing around -- fun eye candy). As extra precaution, the parent who is monitoring tummy time must get on the floor and place their head directly in front of yours for encouragement. Once everything is set, you will lift that huge head of yours for about two minutes before you realize you're on your stomach and a meltdown occurs.
You have also discovered that you have thumbs. And why would this be so important? Because you are slowly learning that my nipples aren't binkies and if you want to suck on something while falling asleep at my breast you need to find an alternative. I'll remember when you realized that your thumb existed because you put it into your mouth as if it were a toothbrush. You went to town on scraping your gums clean while sucking poor thumb into a shriveled raisin. The look on your face was one of confusion, disgust and yet complete satisfaction.
Another milestone is the 'startled' phase. And it isn't that you get startled at a really loud sounds, it's as if all of life is startling you. Like "What the f*k did I get myself into?" There are days when I'm feeding you and I start to stare of into space. After a few moments I look down at you only to see you staring up at me. I do a double take because I didn't expect you to be staring at me and apparently that double take startles you because you get this look of horror-leading-into-another-meltdown look on your face. One time you got to startled you did end up crying. Then the other day your grandpa comes to visit and as he walks through the door he says the customary "Hello." I thought you were going to jump from my arms and cling to the ceiling. Why that startled you so much, I haven't a clue. I just hope this phase is a short one, otherwise you might start seeing a cardiologist at the ripe old age of one.
The last big change we've seen this past month is your sleep cycle. Unfortunately there are still nights where you only give mom a solid 3 hours of sleep before waking up because you managed to Houdini your way out of the swaddle... again. But luckily those nights are starting to melt into longer, calmer nights where you pass out for about 7 hours before needing a feeding. I *heart* those nights! Let's keep them coming.
As for nap time. We need a bumper sticker for your crib "Naps r 4 Suckas... SUCKA". Seriously child! What is wrong with taking a nice 2 hour nap during the day? Not only does mom need one occasionally, but mom also needs to get things done and since you haven't discovered the joy in toys and insist on being entertained, I don't get much "me" time to accomplish said tasks. This is where I am going to take a stand and encourage your afternoon naps. My mental, emotional and spiritual state require you take these naps before the men in white come to take me away.