Bambling On and On and On...

19 August, 2008

Going For The Gold

Well, not quite. But a "Yea! I've Finished" medal is received.

Back in December when I was about 4 months pregnant, I signed up for the Baltimore Half-Marathon in hopes that it will get me back in shape. When I told friends and family about it, I would get the universal eye-roll and a "Sure! OK." response. Because apparently when you have a baby you can't do anything that doesn't include said baby.

Well, all I can say is "Ppllllttthhhhhhhh" to you. Because, baby, I'M DOING IT!

For the past 1.5 months I have been working out for about an hour every morning. Then last week I decided to check my diastis recti issue and the separation is becoming less of one -- I'm only 2 finger widths apart instead of 4. On that good note, I started running with Ollie to his dog camp (a good 3 miles round trip).

Using Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training Guide, which I had used for my last half marathon, I know that I'll be able to run it without a problem. I was going to use the intermediate training, but decided to move down to novice. Since I hadn't been running in almost a year, I'm opting to complete the course in one piece, not speed through the course and come out broken. Of course the marathon is in 8 weeks and the guide is for 12 weeks. Eh... not a biggie. Again, another reason to train on the novice level. I can start at week 5 and not injure myself come Saturday's long run.

Holy cripes. I'm so excited I feel like taking a run now!


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