The other day I received a
Bed Bath and Beyond circular in the mail. Intrigued with their Thanksgiving goodies, I decided to window shop and stopped dead in my tracks halfway through. "Energy Saver Window Panels" only $40 per panel. The color: crimson. The style: 84" Argentina window panel. I was sold.
If you've ever been to our house, I'm sure you were wowed over these beauties:
And in case you've never seen them, here's a nice close-up of the pattern:
For 4 years I've been wanting to replace these things, but procrastination totally got into my way. Until 5 days ago. I beat procrastination over the head and ordered the curtains -- of course, only after mentioning our need for change to Casey while he was wrapped up in a quest. That was an easy sell.
The new curtains arrived 2 days ago. OH. SO. PRETTY. But ... yes, we knew there had to be a 'but' ... but, we didn't have the right hardware. The old curtains used hooks. The new curtains just slide onto a rod. Of course, this also led Casey down a dark path of separation anxiety ... from the valance. He *hearts* that valance for reasons I'll never understand.
Off to Bed Bath and Beyond I go to buy the hardware. I really wish I had a better visual artistic touch because it would cut down my visit from 45 minutes of "does this rod match? or does this one?" to a trip totaling 10 minutes.
With everything now in place, we said our farewells last night. Although we kept up the valance hardware "just in case". *eye roll* Luckily, once we had the hardware in place, we discovered it jetted just a wee bit further from the wall than the original setting. A tear was shed and the rest of the valance was taken down.
After we completed the install and hung the curtains, we were both taken back by how "growed up" we felt.
So shiney, right?!? But not only that, b/c of its simplicity in style and pattern, the whole room has opened up. And with the valance gone, one's eyes are now drawn to the artwork on the walls and not towards this huge rectangular object above the window.
I feel so adult.