Bambling On and On and On...

29 November, 2007

New Chapter

As many of my readers now know (all one of you), I'm pregnant. Yes, it's true. Hard to believe I know, but it did 'mysteriously' happen.

I'm currently at 13 weeks. Just a mere 27 more to go. I've got the baby ticker ticking and every week I receive newsletters from the many baby boards I've signed up with informing me of the lil' aliens development.

There's so much to talk about, but it appears that after 5pm my brain shuts down, as does my body. This is all in preparation for the progesterone poisoning that begins to occur between the hours of 6:30 and 8:30p. If I go to sleep or feign sleeping, somehow I make it through unscathed. The upside is that I haven't gotten sick. Yay, for stomach of steel.. ?

For now, I will leave you with a few images that were taken yesterday during my ultrasound:
Baby at 12 weeks 6 days

Baby at 12 weeks 6 days


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