Bambling On and On and On...

10 May, 2008

Too Sweet

This morning I went to the gym to put in my hour workout. Between sets I pass an elderly gentleman who was on the elliptical machine.

Him: "Did you spend the night here?"
Me: "Mmmm.. no. I do believe I woke up in my bed."
Him: "Wow.. Because you were here yesterday when I left the gym and you're here this morning before I even got to the gym. You're dedicated!"
Me: *smiles*
Him: "I just wanted to let you know your motivation inspires me. Thank you."
Me: *touched* "Awww.. no.. Thank you! That's extremely sweet."

I guess being the token pregnant lady who looks like she's about to pop isn't something he's used to seeing at the gym. Either way, it was flattering and only motivates me more to get my bum in gear after Claire's birth to get my certification in personal fitness.


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