48 hours and 2Tbsp of Pepto later
I'm a mess. It's been 2 days since I've had a solid nights sleep. And it took a miracle for me not to pass out while driving to work today.
Sunday night my head was reeling with chatter after seeing 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'. (I give it 6.5, on a scale from 1-10, where 10 was 'The Curse of the Black Pearl'. As I usually feel in movie trilogies, the 2nd one is usually the most drawn out and least entertaining. Although 'Dead Man's Chest' was still enjoyable, there were scenes that could have been shortened, or cut, and some plot choices that could have been done without.) I digress. Getting home 45 minutes later than expected, due to the extra 20 minutes of pre-movie commercials, I didn't have time to wind down and consequently, could not fall to sleep. That's fine.. been there, done that. I can get through a work day on one night of fitful sleeping. After work, I remain low-key and pass out early. Or so i led myself to believe...
I was in bed by 8p, out by 8:15p. 3 hours later I'm awake sweating my booty off. WTF?!?! I get up to see that someone left the thermostat on 'hold' and it was a balmy 70 degrees. Normally I'd love it warm, but when it comes to sleeping, I need the temp to be at most 64 degrees. Thermostat was taken off 'hold' and 1.5 hours later the house had cooled off enough for my body to be comfortable to sleep.
1 hour later I'm awake...
This time it's my stomach. Gooooood morning Mr. Toilet!!
20 minutes later I'm attempting to fall asleep as deeply and quickly as possible. Except a certain unnamed human has taken to a new habit: snoring. Why? When? What the bloody hell for?!?!? Didn't I have enough character building on Saturday? (see previous post). All that I want is a good night's sleep so I can function at work. Where's that wicked witch and her poppies when you really need it.
The on-again, off-again snore-fest took place for the remaining 4 hours of my precious sleep time.
Finally waking up to the combination of a persistant alarm and stomach, I'm back in the bathroom. Oh yeah, my body is not doing well. At some point I managed to calm myself down and compare last night's sleep to Sunday night's sleep. 4 hours vs 2 hours. I'm making progress. Maybe tonight I'll get 6 hours. *eyes glimmer with hope*
*grumble.. grumble...grrrrr*
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