Bambling On and On and On...

17 April, 2006

Taking Paternal Care to a Whole New Level

This morning, I had a renewed sense of pride in my ability to breast feed and only breast feed. You see, there appears to be a worm-like amphibian that provides for its young by allowing them to rip the skin off the parent. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?

The article Yummy Mummy Feeds Young its Skin is in the Science/Nature section of BBC News. Apparently, the Boulengerula taitanus babies are not well developed when hatched. So in order to ensure that the babies receive their proper dose of nutrients, the female B. Taitanus' skin "...becomes thicker and more nutrient-rich when she bears offspring and the young have specialised teeth for tearing and removing it."

Actually, I take it back. Think about how cool it would be to possess this ability. If not for the sole purpose of freaking out that portion of society who thinks it's distasteful when a woman breastfeeds her child in public. HA!


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