Bambling On and On and On...

14 January, 2010

Tea Here, Tea There, Tea Splattered EVERYWHERE

I was not using my brain, even when I saw what the immediate future held in store for me and Claire.

This morning I had a cup of tea, well, only half a cup because a feisty 19 month old refused to let me finish it up. During the blur of time that followed, I remember us leaving for our morning play adventure. Fast forward 1.5 hours later.

I went into the kitchen to make Claire's snack. Looking back I see Claire standing next to the table that housed a mug 1/2 full of tea just out of arms reach, but snuggling my laptop. In my minds' eye I saw that tea no longer sitting cooly in the mug, but flowing from the table. The direction of the flow was hazy: either it can go onto and into my laptop or towards the child. Well, that image faded as quickly as it appeared and back to snack-making I went. Seconds later I hear a *CRASH*. Whipping around I see my daughter soaked and smelling oh so aromatic. The mug was lying on the floor and tea... I'd like to take a moment to thank the tea spirits for making snack time much more pleasurable. That's right, the tea splattered all over the high chair, mat and floor. My laptop was safe and I was made just a wee bit smarter. No matter how far out of arms reach a cup full of liquid may appear to be, remember that objects outside of said image are closer... much, much closer.


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