Bambling On and On and On...

03 August, 2009

Everything is a "no"

We were all excited when last week Claire made the connection and understand what "No" and the head shake means. Trouble is, now everything is a "no", even when she means "yes" and this is extremely frustrating. Now when I ask a question or know that she really means yes, I follow her violent head shake with a smiling, nodding "yes" in hopes that she'll make this correlation sooner than later.

I've also discovered that she likes to learn one thing at a time and roll with it. Along with the no's, she's learned to say "up" -- a very, definite UP. Except everything is now "up". Yes, you've got it. And unfortunately, we have a child that doesn't enjoy being taught unless it's on her terms. For example, we're reading a book. I ask her to point out the yellow flower. She does so and so I ask her to point out the green flower. That's when she whips her head around and finds something else to do because hey! She's already answered one question and can't be bothered with the rest. I really hope that this is a phase, otherwise her schooling is going to be joy.


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