Bambling On and On and On...

05 November, 2009

Mr. Kasoogi... NOOOOOO!!

Claire has two blankets: a heavy one that came with the bed spread and a light one that Mimay made for her. I use the light one for naps since the house is pretty warm and she's like a mini-radiator anyway.

Aside from switching out the blankets, Mr. Kasoogi is always laying on the edge of her pillow. Today I was so flustered I forgot to get her bed ready and left everything as it was, which meant her stuffies where all askew. Claire was dead tired and ready for sleep. I gently placed her into bed and faster than a blink of an eye she bolted upright, looking around in a frenzy. Immediately, I knew... MR. KASOOGI!!! He was hidden under the blanket and unless I moved faster than light speed this scene could have turned into another day time soap. Quickly, I grabbed Mr. Kasoogi and placed him on her pillow. She turned her head and sighed with approval, flopped onto her tummy, wrapped her little arm around Mr. Kasoogi and fell right to sleep.

The utter cuteness of that last moment made me melt.


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