Bambling On and On and On...

30 July, 2009

A Shake of the Head and a Point

Our child fully understands how to say "No" with her head. We'll ask if she wants juice. Claire shakes her head and scowls. Do you want your ball? Another head shake and a scowl. Suddenly she'll blurt out "Schzzzzzz" and run to the refrigerator. Once opened, she gives a mighty point to the package of cheese sitting on the shelf. The girl knows what she wants.

It's scary and exciting to see that she's finding ways to communicate. Unfortunately, most of her communication still exists in the form of "mmmmm... MMMMMMMM...." And when the "mmmmm's" aren't accompanied with a finger point, we could only run through our minds' checklist of possibilities. I have a feeling that we're going to experience the "terrible two's" with this one, unless a freak of nature occurs and she begins to speak in full sentences over the next month or so.


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