Bambling On and On and On...

26 August, 2009

Boy Crazy

I took Claire to a child's program that takes place at the library. Today, there were less people in attendance then normal and I think that has to do with it being the end of summer and families getting in one last vay-cay before school starts. Less people meant more space for the kids to walk, run, and dance around. This has its ups and downs. The downside usually equates to moms chasing their child around, hop-scotching around the other parents, as their child attempts to grab at the toys that are actually props for the instructors story/song.

During one of the songs, the kids were shaking maracas and dancing about. Claire was sitting on the floor facing backwards, checking out the other parents and kids. A boy around her age ended up standing next to her. Within a blink of an eye, she was holding the little boys hand. The little boys mother was totally smitten with the scene, whereas I could only think "Oh we are in so much trouble." After the little boy took his hand away, looking at Claire like "Ummm... why did you do that," a mere 30 seconds later Claire was reaching for his hand again and this time she was doing it without even looking at him. Like, this was totally normal and they should be holding hands right now. Oh, I forgot to mention how about 5 minutes before she was shoving another little girl (again, around her age) out of the way because the little girl was peering out of the window NEXT to Claire's window and well, Claire wanted to look out of the other window.

She pushes the girls and grabs for the boys. And she's not even 15 months old. After telling this story to Casey, I saw his face flush. I think he may have had his first heart attack.


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