Bambling On and On and On...

10 March, 2010

Taking the Lead

Yesterday was so beautiful outside: mid-60's, sunny skies. A much anticipated day since we've been buried in 5 feet of snow for the past month! The warm weather meant that we could all be outside and not be up to our knees in snow or covered in mud from the snow melt. YAY! So I took them (dog and toddler) out for a walk and ended up hanging out at a tot lot that was spacious enough for Ollie to roam and explore, which also had the most awesome sandbox with sticks and trucks for Claire to go mental over.

We must have been at the lot for about 40 minutes. I can tell that Ollie's patience was wearing thin. Suddenly I look up to find Ollie back on the trail, walking away, yet looking back saying "Yeah. So this is boring and I'm no longer waiting. See you at home." What? I'm now having a Family Guy moment where Ollie is Brian. He was so determined to get going that it took me about a minute of calling him back before he decided his life would be better if he listened. Except he couldn't just come back towards us. No. Ollie had to make certain I knew how displeased he was by lowering his head, slowly turning around and heading back in our direction. And don't think he didn't sigh several times either when I was having Claire wrap things up with the sandbox and sticks. He wanted to make it clear that this was not his idea of getting out of the house.

I'm so glad he can't speak.


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