Bambling On and On and On...

20 March, 2009

Stupid Drivers, Part XXX

This morning I run to the market with baby in tow. The parking lot was pretty empty so I found a spot that was 3 spots away from a car on my left. This gave me plenty of room to open my door (a 2-door) and begin extracting baby from the back. I also thought that with the 3 spots to my left, the next person to come in would take a spot further from my vehicle. Oh was I the fool!

Because I have a 2-door (it's a New Beetle) I usually keep my door open as I climb in back and begin unshackling Claire from her car seat. So here I was, door open, me unbuckling baby and some woman in a monsterous SUV pulls in RIGHT NEXT TO ME!! I thought she was going to tear off my door. Seriously? I mean... seriously? Could you maybe, ummmm, I don't know, pick a spot one more down from me, you know, being that there were 3 SPOTS OPEN. Apparently her small mind didn't comprehend that bit of visual information. As we both left our cars, she had the audacity to give me a dirty look like I was the one who was completely in the wrong.

It's bad enough that the lot of us don't know how to drive our vehicles, but when you enter a pretty empty parking lot, see that there are several spaces open between two cars, that one car has its door open and mamma is wrestling baby out of the car seat, THINK!! It's not time to play monster trucks with your vehicle. Just pick a spot that isn't on top of my little car. Oh how I worked to keep my temper under control b/c it would have been so easy for me to show Claire what a good a$$ kicking consists of, esp. since hers was as wide as her car! Oh, I'm sorry, I mean WIDER than her car.

*grumble grumble grumble*


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