Bambling On and On and On...

12 December, 2008


This morning I'm watching BBC America and it's commercial time. Normally I try an tune them out, but one caught my attention: the Silver Sonic hearing aid.

Initially I had to laugh. The hearing aid is designed to look like a blue tooth headset. I would think that if you have to use a hearing aid, you would want to conceal it rather than announce to the world that you have trouble hearing. Besides, if you had to wear one, why would you want to look like your carrying on a conversation with yourself ALL. DAY. LONG!

The giggles quickly subsided when the company promoted the device as being so powerful you can hear a pin drop across the room. Then used some of the following examples:
Now you can hear the conversations taking place across the street.

Did you always wonder what people were saying about you at a party?

WTF? So the company is actually promoting eavesdropping and mistrust. I thought the purpose of a hearing aid was to hear sounds that you want and should hear --- not conversations that do not include you. Seriously, what is going on with our society.


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