Bambling On and On and On...

04 October, 2008

Grrrrr... Windoze!

I'm trying to install the latest IE (7) without overriding IE (6) so I can test my web sites in both (side note: this has failed miserably many times in the past because IE doesn't deem it necessary to see where you would like to install the latest version and takes it upon itself to update and override your previous applications.. f*k'rs). Before I get ahead of myself, let me explain that I'm running Windows on my Mac using Parallels. After logging in, I stupidly think I can begin work. Instead I have to sit through 10 minutes of "This needs updating" and "That needs updating" and "We've updated A, B, and C. Restart computer." To make matters worse, this seems to happen EVERY TIME I LOG INTO WINDOWS! Why? Why can't I just log in and begin working without having to be blasted with bubbles telling me that applications A through double-Z are in need of updates. Or 'X' update just finished installing in the background, without giving me a heads up, and now I MUST reboot.

Please. PLEASE!!! I'd love to get to work with ease and test for all of my Window < IE users within a normal work period without having to deal with all of the side effects of a sloppy OS (I know. That statement alone sums up why I am constantly dealing with these issues.)

Oh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


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