Bambling On and On and On...

28 May, 2008

OY! That's Smart

So it's 3:30a EST and I'm fully awake. I've been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours but am completely unable too. The reason: I have the most wicked lower back cramps taking place. They started a few hours after my doctor appointment. I don't know if they are a result of the cervix exam or whether my body is all "You know what.. I think I'm ready to pop this child out."

**Regarding the exam: I was told that I'm almost 2cm dilated and fully effaced (and I finally looked up how to spell dilated b/c I was spelling it the way I was pronouncing it --> "di-a-lated", which in turn kept popping up as a spelling error and I couldn't understand why. Damn the English language!!). When I asked if I may have to be induced being that my due date is next Thursday, the doctor was totally not worried. "You're body is obviously preparing for the baby's arrival. It just doesn't know how to jump start itself." Guess my body listened to her and devised its own plan on jump starting... lower back cramps. Yay me!**

Either way, here I am trying to massage.. stretch.. WILL.. the pain away. In the meantime I just had the most delicious bowl of Cocoa Pebbles. Mmmmm.. nothing like a good meal of sugared cereal to keep me going if things are to progress.

Alright.. I really have nothing more to say except OW!!! Now I'm going to try and get my heating pad out of the room without waking up the man, head downstairs and watch some really bad tv.


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