Bambling On and On and On...

16 March, 2007

Unexpected Visitor

Here in good ol' Columbia, MD, we get to enjoy nature beyond squirrels and sparrows. There are herons and turtles and deer and groundhogs. But there is one animal in particular that I happen to run into more often than not -- foxes. I usually see them on my morning run. I'm told they fear us more then we fear them -- hmmmm.. heard the same thing about spiders too -- but nevertheless, I prefer to keep my distance.

Not more than 10 minutes ago a fox decided to pay me a visit.

It was the freakiest and coolest thing. I'm chilling downstairs, crocheting, and suddenly I see these eyes peering through the back door -- coming awfully close to the "open" doggy door. Ollie -- in his usual manner -- had no clue what was going on. I jumped up and immediately closed the doggy door, but not after the fox and I locked eyes. It was SO CUTE!!! Big eyes, little furry head, and probably about as big as Ollie. The oddest part was that it didn't sprint away, but took off with a good trot.

Ollie just realized something happened -- a good 12 minutes later?? -- and is obessessed with the "new" smells.


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