Bambling On and On and On...

23 March, 2006

A New Hobby

I've re-taught myself to crochet, something I have been wanting to do for a while. When I was 12, I decided to move from latch-hook to crocheting and taught myself the basic chain. Made a skirt. That's when I discovered that I am not shaped like a rectangle.

Normally when one teaches themselves something new, you'd like to start off small -- set a goal that is within reason. I'm making an afghan. Thinking about it, the challenge will be to remain motivated enough to finish it. Otherwise, the stitch itself is extremely simple.

I began this project 2 days ago. In 2 days I've completed 4 rows. It would have been 6, but I spent 2.5 hours last night completing row 3 and 4. Apparently I've been making the chains way too tight. Even though D' has told me "Remember to keep the chains loose. It'll make your life easier. Trust me." I do, but my memory is short. (Quick aside: D' has been a great friend -- dealing with me calling in 20 minute intervals because I've confused myself about a stitch, or on where to begin, or for needing a reality check because the 2 completed rows does not look like an afghan.)

So there I was nestled into my futon, Willie Wonka on the tv, and my cute lil' puppy sleeping next to his mommy. 30 minutes later blood pressure is rising, one eye is bulging -- slowly working up to becoming severely bloodshot, sweat collecting at the brow, and my cute lil' puppy is slowly working his way over to his crate where its safe. Safe from the possibility of his human exploding and disrupting his slumber.

Oh, but I AM having fun. I'm making an afghan!!


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