Bambling On and On and On...

20 March, 2006

Morning Run

I am a morning person. And because of this, there is one activity I love doing before going on with my day... RUNNING.

Rolling out of bed, dressing while still bleary eyed, I leave the house with a smile. Why? The sun's rising, the air is crisp (well, currently... let's see what I say 4 months from now) and my once-lost-but-now-found-mittens make my hands so snuggly warm I don't have to worry about Reynauds. Ah, the little pleasures in life.

Running not only relaxes me, but also gets my energy up for the day.

So, my question to you is: if you're a morning person, what gets you motivated for the day? And if you consider yourself a night person, what do you love doing to either start off your night or end your day?



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