Bambling On and On and On...

31 October, 2006


halloween pumpkins
My contribution to this year's decorating was carving out the cat. As much as I'd love to say "Yes. I just saw the cat and carved it," I can't. As all of my friends know, I do not have a very good artistic eye. So I'd like to give thanks to the company that made the halloween stencils. Oh! But I can honestly say that I never placed the stencil onto the pumpkin. I did the actual carving free-hand... as noted by the lop-sided mouth.

Poor Casey. Every year he thinks that this is the year where every kid will come a-knocking on our door asking for tricks-or-treats. And every year I have to watch his heart sink as the 9 o'clock hour rolls 'round and no one has come to our door in the last 3 hours.

No way. As I wrote that last line the door-bell rang. Guess Casey got a special treat this year. Thanks Halloween Gouls!!


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