That's Mr. Road-Raging Butt-Muncher to You!
Before heading off to work, I went to drop off Ollie at camp. Yes, my dog goes to camp. En-route, rather than putting in a 4-way stop, a rotary has been installed. It's common knowledge that when approaching a rotary:
Except where a traffic control device directs otherwise, the driver of a vehicle approaching or about to enter a rotary traffic circle or island shall yield the right of way to any vehicle already traveling on such circle or around such island.
Simple enough, right?
I had already entered the rotary, when I see a car approaching from my left. Without yielding, he pulls out in front of me, causing me to slam onto my brakes to avoid a collision. Expressing my fussiness, I send him a left-handed salute. Mr. Road-Raging Butt-Muncher didn't appreciate my action of discontent and proceeded to turn around in the rotary, literally. This man made a 180 where he was and drove in the the opposite direction to follow me out of my exit. Now if another car was unlucky enough to be in the rotary at the same time, that poor soul would have been hit by the butt-muncher.
At this point Ollies' ears were in extreme gremlin form and my heart was a-pounding. Rather than freak out, I obey all speed signs and signals, trying to get a read on his car. Unfortunately, he was so far up my backside, I could only make out his beat-red face. What really struck me as odd was that he seemed to be in such a rush, yet now he had the time to follow me for flipping him off for his mistake.
The spirits were with me because as I turned onto the last road, he slowed down, pulled another 180 and drove away. I feel bad for the next driver he cut off in the rotary.
Of course, I did learn a lesson--don't salute, only hoot. This action is less likely to cause an already high-strung individual more agitation. And my dog will be more willing to get in the car with me next time he has camp.
Yeah, the tools who get pissed off at you for calling out their bad driving are the worst. It's like they think that "obstacles" should just keep quiet and keep driving.
Justin Codd, at 12/16/2006 9:49 AM
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